This is a solution prepared for associating banks. The tranSIS system is integrated with aSISt applications operating in cooperative banks.

tranSIS is a modern system that allows superior units to manage and supervise reporting processes in subordinate units.
It is a solution prepared with a view to affiliating banks. The tranSIS system is integrated with aSISt applications operating in cooperative banks.
tranSIS is a tool supporting the implementation of the supervision function over the entire association’s reporting process, which is why its analytical module allows creating statements on the current set of reports, i.e. with a view to all sent corrections.
For that reason, the cross-section statement can be used as a tool to check the status of the reporting process and verify the reports in the current reporting process.
Another application is the preparation of analyzes. Assuming that the state at a given moment is one of “frozen data”, and corrections sent after this date will not be included in the analyzes, statements are created that allow the analysis and assessment of the situation of banks and the entire association.
tranSIS capabilities
- collecting and checking the correctness of submitting reports,
- creating summary statements – analysis of received data,
- publishing rules, taxonomies and analytical reports directly to the reporting system in reporting units*,
- information on the status of the report in the unit*,
- feedback on sending and positive verification of the entity’s report by tranSIS*
- ,generating aggregate and consolidated reports in the XBRL format.
*Functions active when using the aSISt application in reporting units.
tranSIS benefits
1. convenient handling of the reporting process conducted in many units,
2. checking the correctness of submitted reports,
3. possibility of direct integration with the reporting system of the reporting unit,
4. one comprehensive system serving as:
- reporting data repository,
- data analysis tool,
- a tool for validation and quality control of reporting data,
- a tool for exchanging information on the status of the report between the supervisor and the unit,
- a tool for managing the reporting process (starting the process, modifying the scope of mandatory reports/forms, closing the reporting process).
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