Polskie ePłatności creates payment service reports in the eON SaaS

About Polskie ePłatności

Polskie ePłatności (PeP) is one of Poland's largest payment technology providers and currently ranks second among the largest cashless payment providers in the country. The company specializes in providing end-to-end payment solutions, i.e., payment terminals, mobile payments, e-commerce - Przelewy24, etc., for businesses in various industries.

As of 1 January 2024, Polskie ePłatności, as a Settlement Agent, is obliged to submit quarterly reports to the National Bank of Poland on the provided payment services, i.e., reports to the Payment Statistics Base system (in FINGO Systems, this report is called BSP 2).

Multiple sources of data needed to create the BSP2 report

Large National Payment Institutions process millions of transactions every day. Often, the information needed to produce a report to the supervisor is spread across different systems. IT solutions were built years ago when there were no requirements for the scope of reporting information yet.

The biggest confession for us is the aggregation of data, as the input for the report comes from many sources. Hence, the most significant advantage of the eON system is the possibility of multiple uploads of batches, which the program automatically aggregates. We are no less satisfied with the function of the current validation of field requirements. It allows us to catch possible errors in the report quickly. - shares his observations with Marta Tyczyńska,Chief Accountant at Polskie ePłatności.

User-friendly interface of the eON system supporting reporting to the NBP

Reporting in XBRL format often raises concerns for those responsible for creating reports. Therefore, the reporting software, mainly its visual layer, should facilitate, support and relieve the burden on its users rather than cause additional stress.

Given the complexity of reporting and the detailed breakdown into data categories, the program's design allows easy navigation through the tabs, checking validated values, and a relatively quick search for errors. - explains Marta Tyczyńska.

The eON system for preparing reports on payment services is worth recommending

Polskie ePłatności contacted us on the recommendation of another company for which we provide our solution for mandatory reporting. In my opinion, there is no better testimony to the quality of our services than recommendations passed on by the so-called 'grapevine.'
Such trust motivates us to raise our standards further and reinforces our conviction that our solutions meet our clients' high expectations. -
comments Dominika Gniewosz, Business Development Manager at FINGO Systems.
Seeing how the program is constantly being improved, the people helping with implementation and post-implementation care are beneficial, and the interface is clear, I recommend the eON system to other payment institutions. - says Marta Tyczńska.

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