EBA ITS Framework 2.9 and project EUCLID – what does it mean for European banks?

The EBA ITS Framework 2.9, on which reporting will be based, will be implemented in several stages. The first part of the  EBA ITS Framework 2.9 is to take effect from December 31, 2019, which means that the first reporting can be expected in January 2020.

As you can read on the EBA website, the assumption of the project is to implement the reporting changes in reports: RES, Liquidity (LCR), Corep, Finrep and Benchmarking ITS.

The periods of publication of the new framework are presented in the following chart:

How will current reports change?


  • Changes in existing reporting requirements - adjustments and additional templates.


  • Changes to align with new securitization framework.


  • Changes concerning non-performing and forborne exposures reporting, P&L and IFRS16.


  • Changes to align with the LCR amending Act.

Supervisory Benchmarking:

  • Changes to reporting requirements as specified in the ITS on supervisory benchmarking of internal models.

Everything points to the fact that the EBA prepares us to fully integrate the EUCLID project. Which aims to increase transparency of European banks’ data, including through extend the collection of supervisory data from the current statistical sample consisting of the 200 largest banks in the EEA (European Economic Area) to the full range of individual banks and banking groups in the EEA. Each report will have to be sent in the technical standard required by EBA (EBA ITS, XBRL). That means all banks will be obliged to adapt to new requirements.

For official information about EUCLID project visit eba.europa.eu


In response to the needs of central banks, we have prepared a reporting system dedicated to the EUCLID project.

The XBRL Processor is an automatic data processing system that meets the needs of centralized management of source data and automatic input data. The application facilitates automatic conversion to the XBRL format required by EBA.

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